B'nai B'rith Housing

The Need for Affordable Housing in Cambridge

Kevin Braga

Currently there are 23,000 households on the Cambridge Housing Authority waitlist and over half (12,000) are requesting studio or 1-bedroom apartments.

As of June 2023, of the Cambridge Housing Authority's (CHA) 10 largest senior housing properties each has a waitlist of between 1000- 1600 households.


Roughly a quarter of Cambridge residents 65 and older are in the highest-income quintile, while more than 30 percent are in in the lowest, up from 25 percent of seniors a decade ago.

Better Cambridge

The Cambridge Housing Authority’s waiting list for affordable apartments as of April, 2023 had 22,537 unique applicants on it. 4,488 live in Cambridge, 2,912 work in Cambridge, and 327 are Veterans.


At 16%, the population of seniors aged 65 years and older in Cambridge Highlands is higher than that of the City of Cambridge overall which is at 11%. This percentage is also higher than 11 of the 12 neighborhoods in Cambridge.

Can't Wait

With over 21,000 affordable housing applicants in Cambridge alone, The Cambridge Housing Authority released a publication, "The Real Faces of the CHA Waiting List" connecting readers to the genuine hardship and obstacles of these residents that are in dire need of affordable housing.

To read the publication, click here.

We want to thank the following Cambridge organizations or individuals who have acted as a resource in providing guidance on the housing and service needs of local seniors. We appreciate all that you do, and we would be grateful for the privilege of collaboration with you in the future!
